Various Concert Blogging Sites


Live Music Blog

This is one of the best blogs discussing Live Music currently on the internet.

Live Bootlegs

Specializes in discussing major music festivals throughout the world.

Concert Katie

This is a very well designed blog from a regular music fan, inspiration for my own blog.

Live Toronto

Discussing places and events throughout the great city of Toronto. A major portion of the blog discusses concerts within Toronto.

Concert Manic

Another very impressive blog displaying reviews from major concerts all around the world.

Biography: Phil Medeiros, Avid Music Fan.

I would like to start off this blog by delivering a short biography of myself. My name is Phil Medeiros, I am 24 years old and consider myself an avid music fan. I am currently attending Brock University, and like most students was just scrapping by, trying to ensure I have money to continue my studies at Brock. In the summer of 2012, I decided to take a week out of my busy schedule, and took a course to obtain my security guard license. Considering I am a student, I needed a flexible job where I could work nights and weekends and naturally a security guard became a perfect fit.

Shortly after obtaining my security guard license, I was contacted by an event security company that specializes in concert security. When I was first contacted, they informed there were positions available, and upcoming concerts they would be working were “The Smashing Pumpkins, Our Lady Peace and Bon Jovi.” Instantly it seemed like this job was too good to be true, and I thought somehow it was a scam. To my gleeful surprise, it was not and I was able to gain entry into the idolized music industry.

Since acquiring the job I have worked many concerts in venues ranging from the Air Canada Centre to the Danforth Music Hall. If you want to know my favourite artists, venues, songs etc. you will need to continue reading my blog and all answers will be revealed. I wish to share my experiences within the concert industry to all of my fellow bloggers, and I hope you enjoy reading this blog as much as I have enjoyed creating it.